Lip augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments out there. Just look around…

Why Winter is the Best Time to Get a QuickLift
Winter is in full force. The temperatures have dropped and the snow has started falling. Believe it or not, winter is the perfect time to tighten up the upper neck and lower face areas with a QuickLift! Find out why!
Staying Indoors is Acceptable
During the summer, when the weather is great, you want to spend time outdoors. You may be in the pool, playing in the yard with the dog, going on hikes or traveling on vacation. You don’t sit still very long, let alone stay inside. But, let’s face it, winter is brutal. When it’s cold, it’s perfectly acceptable to stay indoors, on the sofa in front of a cozy fire.
Even though the QuickLift allows for a shorter recovery period, that recovery time is still essential. Without the time to heal, your procedure won’t produce the desired effects. Wintertime makes getting a QuickLift—and allowing it to heal—even more convenient because there’s no immediate need to stay outdoors for longer than necessary. As if you needed another reason to get out from underneath your blanket!
Less Sun Exposure
When you expose yourself to UV rays produced by the sun over long periods of time, you can cause damage to your skin. These rays can slow the healing process of your QuickLift, and damage more sensitive skin. Winter means less exposure to harmful UV rays, not only because the cooler temperatures keep you cozied up indoors, but also because there are fewer hours of daylight. Always remember to wear sunscreen, though…even in the winter!
The Winter Wardrobe
When you do have to go outside, clearly, you’re going to want to bundle up. Guess what? That bulky winter wardrobe is going to do more than just keep you warm. It’s also going to help conceal the swelling that you have experienced from your procedure. Turtlenecks, scarves, and plenty of layers are perfect for covering up any work you’ve had done and allowing your body to heal discreetly.
You’ll Be Ready for Summer
One of the biggest reasons for having cosmetic procedures done is to look good and to have your body ready for the summer months. But you need plenty of time to recover from your procedure and reduce any swelling. However, if you have your QuickLift done in the winter, none of these things will be an issue. You’ll have more than enough time to recover and get back to feeling normal. And, the worst of the swelling will be gone by the time the warmer months roll around. No one will be able to tell you’ve had any work done…only that you look fabulous. You will be more than ready to get out and show off your new look, and enjoy yourself in all of your summer activities.
If you have been considering a QuickLift, now is the best time to act. The winter months will provide you with the time you need to recover and you can cover up your swelling when you do need to go out. Ready for your free QuickLift consultation? Contact Vargas Face and Skin Center today!
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