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Self-Care During Quarantine: A Checklist for Your Mind, Body, and Skin

We are truly living in weird times. None of us ever thought we would be unable to visit our favorite restaurants, get a facial, or have to sanitize our groceries when we get home, but here we are. What is going on in the world right now is unprecedented and it is more important than ever to take care of yourself. This means keeping your mind, body, and skin healthy. Here is a self-care checklist that you can use to ensure you come of out quarantine the best version of yourself.


reading-dog-on-lapAlthough many of us are want to sit on the couch and binge-watch a mindless (albeit entertaining) TV show, you want to make sure you also stimulate your brain cells so they are ready to roll when things pick back up. Here are a few things you can do

1. Read

Reading is the quintessential activity that makes your brain happy. You don’t have to read anything intricate or complicated, just read something that you enjoy. Whether that is a self-improvement book, a book about the universe or a biography from your favorite celebrity, read what makes you happy.

If you aren’t a big reader, carve out time in your day to dedicate to reading. Read for 30 minutes before bed and your brain will thank you.

We highly suggest checking out Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club for some awesome picks.

2. Write

Now is a fantastic time to start a journal or do a little creative writing project. Not only does writing give your brain a boost, it is also very therapeutic and you can put your feelings on the page. Who knows? You may find that you really enjoy writing and keep it up even after quarantine is over!

3. Learn something new

Why not dedicate the extra time you have not commuting to learning something new? The sky’s the limit here. Want to get some graphic design skills? Go for it! Have you always wanted to learn to knit? Now is the time to pick up those needles. All you have to do is choose something to learn that you are interested in and dive in!



Gyms are closed but that doesn’t mean your workouts need to come to a halt. If you weren’t going to the gym or doing a workout routine before, now is a great time to start. Not only is the weather beautiful – stay at home doesn’t mean you have to stay inside – but there are also a ton of fun workouts online that you can try!

Just like with the activities above, carve out time in your day to get your body moving. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout by any means, sometimes a 20-minute walk, when the sun is shining, is all you need.

Nourish Yourself

Eating healthy and drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to keep your body – and your mind – feeling great. Many of us are trying to take less trips to the grocery store and, when we do go, some of our usual items are out of stock but that does not mean that healthy options are not available – we just have to make some adjustments.

It has been proven that frozen fruits and veggies are just as nutrient-rich as fresh. Although the taste may be a little different, you can doctor these foods up with delicious spices and sauces.


man-putting-on-eye-creamYour skin your largest organ and now is the perfect time to show it some extra love. Most of us have an established skincare routine that is hard to stick to when we are commuting to work, attending social engagements, driving the kids to and from activities, etc. but those things aren’t happening right so take that extra time to focus on your routine.

Everyday Self-care Skin Care

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Moisturize (and then moisturize some more)
  • Get some vitamin D
  • Use a gentle cleanser
  • Wear an SPF
  • Use an eye cream

Once a Week Self-care Skin Care

  • Do some deep exfoliation
  • Treat yourself to a mask (charcoal for oily acne-prone skin and moisturizing for dry skin)
  • Wash your pillowcase

Skin Care Extras

  • Take a long and relaxing bath
  • Dry brush
  • Do a facial massage

Just because we are at home and can’t go out about our usual activities doesn’t mean that everything needs to come to a halt. Right now, focus on yourself and what makes you feel good. Your routines don’t have to be perfect and if you don’t get a full-blown workout in every day that is absolutely okay. Just make sure you are taking steps to care for your mind and body – the things you can control.

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