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Laser Light Therapy Skin Treatments for Men

Everyone desires clear, healthy skin unblemished by acne, liver spots, birthmarks and other issues. Nature, more often than not, has other plans, and you can find yourself living with uncomfortable skin problems all over your body, especially as you age. Fortunately, Vargas Face & Skin Center in Kansas City offers revolutionary laser light therapy skin treatments for men that can drastically improve the look and feel of your skin.

What is Laser Light Therapy?

Laser light therapy utilizes intense pulsed light (IPL), which uses visible, high-intensity pulses of light to penetrate the skin. By affecting the deeper layers of your skin, laser light therapy stimulates your skin cells so that they regenerate fresh collagen and improve the condition of your skin. These treatments work almost anywhere on the body including, face, neck, chest, and hands.

What Issues Does Laser Light Therapy Treat?

The most common issues that laser light therapy can address are:

  • Sun or liver spots
  • Acne
  • Birthmarks
  • Hyper-pigmentation (darkened areas)
  • Facial erythema or redness (rosacea)
  • Broken capillaries
  • Hair removal

Depending on your needs and preferences, Vargas Face & Skin Center offers two different laser light therapy skin treatments for men: BroadBand Light Therapy and SkinTyte.

BroadBand Light Therapy

BroadBand light therapy (BBL) is a non-invasive, in-office procedure that uses laser light therapy to penetrate the skin for a very short period of time. BBL is unique because its high intensity pulses of light target the dermis, or, lower layers of the skin, without affecting the top layers of the skin.

For most men, several BBL treatments every four weeks will help them acquire the desired effect. As the treatments progress, you’ll notice a gradual change to the overall look and feel of your face. You’ll experience smoother skin with improved texture, a more youthful tone, and reduced redness. BBLL requires no down time and you can resume your normal activities immediately after the procedure has been completed.


SkinTyte is an additional laser light therapy treatment that heats the soft tissue of your skin with gentle, rapid pulses of light while simultaneously cooling and protecting the epidermis (upper layer). The heating process also aids your body’s natural healing process, resulting in renewed collagen…and tighter skin. There is no down time with SkinTyte.

Scheduling Your Consultation

You don’t have to live with skin damage. Let laser light therapy skin treatments rejuvenate your body. During your consultation with Dr. Vargas, you’ll discover which mode of laser light therapy treatment is right for your skin’s needs. Schedule your consultation today!

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