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Facial Liposuction for Men

A defined jaw line and a strong chin have long been considered classic standards of male aesthetic beauty. Facial liposuction, which is a revolutionary new alternative to traditional liposuction, can give you that look comfortable and with very little downtime. Vargas Face & Skin Center in Kansas City is the area’s leading provider of facial laser liposuction for men and can give you that toned look you desire.

What is Facial Liposuction?

Using only a few small incisions, facial liposuction used serial cannula technique to remove fat cells and contour the skin.  The result is a slimmer, tighter, more natural-looking area of the face. Additionally, facial liposuction treatments require little downtime—patients can resume normal activities within a few days. Compared to a traditional liposuction, which is heavily invasive and requires considerable more downtime, facial liposuction is quicker, easier, and vastly more comfortable for the patient.

What Does Facial Liposuction Correct?

Facial liposuction is a wonderful way to treat areas of the face that may have excess fat that you want to remove. Facial liposuction treatments can be used for the following issues:

  • To define the neck and jaw line
  • To tighten loose (but not hanging) neck skin
  • To remove excess fatty tissue in and around the neck region

Only one area can be treated per visit. Many patients will pair facial liposuction with fat grafting to restore additional volume to the face.

Scheduling Your Consultation

Facial liposuction for men is a highly individualized procedure. Patients must undergo a consultative process with Dr. Vargas to determine if facial liposuction is the appropriate procedure for them. If you desire slimmer, tighter skin in your face, then consider scheduling an appointment with Dr. Vargas today.

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