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Chin Augmentation for Men

A “strong chin” has long been a standard of masculine beauty. Having a chin and jaw line that harmonize with the rest of the face is the ideal for achieving facial symmetry. Chin augmentation is a type of cosmetic chin surgery, or mentoplasty, that can help restore this harmony by reshaping the chin and providing more balance between chin, jawline and cheeks. If this sounds like the procedure for you, then Vargas Face & Skin Center in Kansas City is your source for men’s chin augmentation.

What Will Chin Augmentation Correct?

Mentoplasty is an elective cosmetic surgery and needs may vary from patient to patient. Many of our chin augmentation candidates indicate the following as reasons for why they would choose to undergo a mentoplasty procedure:

  • A recessed or “weak” chin
  • A pointed or squared lower face
  • An overly pronounced nose

Chin surgery, along with cheek implants, can improve the appearance of the lower face by adding definition to the jaw and improving the balance between lower face and nose. Most candidates will choose to have a chin augmentation procedure together with rhinoplasty (nose surgery) to provide maximum facial symmetry.

Scheduling Your Consultation

The decision to have a mentoplasty procedure is entirely your own! Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vargas to discuss your needs, your desired outcomes and more. During this in-depth consultation, Dr. Vargas will analyze your chin, nose and cheeks, take measurements and photos, and help you to understand all of your options in regards to achieving facial symmetry. Our goal is to give you the most information possible so that you can make an informed decision that best suits you. Schedule your consultation today!

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