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Earlobe Repair in Kansas City is Available at Vargas Face and Skin
Gauged earring earlobe repair is a hot topic right now, as more people decide that stretched ears aren’t the right body modification for them. Whatever your reason for pursuing earlobe repair, you probably have a few questions about whether it’s right for you, how it works, and what your ears will be like after the procedure has been completed.
Can earlobe repair be used to reduce large-gauge earring holes?
Absolutely! It’s important to remember that earlobe repair needs to be done with how a natural earlobe should look in mind. With a torn earlobe, there’s often very little tissue lost, but with stretched earlobes, you can’t simply suture that empty space together. The ear would end up looking abnormal when compared to unstretched ears.
How does earlobe repair work?
Starting with a consultation to determine how to address your earlobe repair, you may be asked to remove your plugs, tapers, or spirals for up to 12 weeks before surgery, to give the skin time to recuperate as much as it can before surgery. Tissue from the back of the ear can be used to fill the hole, after the skin lining the hole has been removed. The procedure will be performed with a local anesthesia, and you’ll be awake for the procedure. It should take one to two hours, though the time is dependent on how complex the reshaping is, and if one or both ears are being treated in the same session. The stitches will be removed within a week, and you’ll be given instructions for how to keep the sutures clean at home. A week out from surgery, the earlobe may have some swelling and tenderness, but it shouldn’t look distorted or large.
Will I have scars after the earlobe repair?
The earlobe repair scar isn’t particularly noticeable, no more than an unstretched but pierced ear.
Can I re-pierce my ears after earlobe repair?
After your earlobes have healed, you can have your ears pierced again, though you may be advised to have them pierced in a slightly different area of the lobe, and not the repair site itself. You’ll want to ask Dr. Vargas about a good earlobe location for a new piercing, as well as about timing it so it doesn’t interfere with or interrupt the healing process.
For those local to Kansas City, Vargas Face and Skin offers otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery, in cases of gauge earring earlobe repair, Cagot ear, Shell ear, Lop ear, Cauliflower ear, as well as ears that appear small or folded forward. When you meet with Dr. Vargas, your in-depth consultation will keep your individual needs in mind. There will be a thorough examination of your ears, and measurements and photos of your ears will be recorded and taken.
At Vargas Face and Skin, Dr. Hannah Vargas is ready to address any surgical or non-surgical cosmetic interests you may have. Her primary focus is to help create a beautiful, natural outcome for your specific goals. If you wish to have an in-depth consultation with Dr. Vargas about earlobe repair or any other cosmetic procedure, please click here to access our Contact Form page
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