Microblading: Say Goodbye to Eyebrow Hair Loss Once and for All
Some hair loss is a normal part of getting older. Once you reach a certain age, you can expect the hair on your head to seem a little thinner than it used to be. Even facial hair, like eyebrow hair,…
Are You a Good Candidate for a Beard Transplant?
Thin, patchy facial hair is a common problem among men. In one survey, 23.6% of men said they couldn’t grow a proper beard, making them feel less masculine. There are plenty of reasons a person may find it difficult to grow a…
The Surprising Benefits of a Nose Job
Since the nose is the focal point of the face, being self-conscious about its size, shape, or any other minor flaw can make a person feel insecure about their look. A rhinoplasty treatment can improve a patient's confidence by correcting any imperfections…
Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty: Which Should You Get?
Non-Surgical vs. Surgical Facelift: Which Suits You Better?
Can Functional Rhinoplasty Improve Your Sleep Quality?
Get Younger-Looking Eyes with These 4 Non-Invasive Procedures
Your eyes are among the most obvious signs of your age. Skin loses its elasticity as you grow older and because the skin around your eyes is already so soft, this area is one of the first to droop. Droopy eyes…
The Dangers of DIY Injectables: Why You Should Leave Injectables to Professionals
Some things are not worth the risk, and this holds true in DIY injectables more than anywhere else. Yes, it’s tempting to put matters into your own hands, especially when confronted with the promise of huge savings. But the pennies…
Skin Care Devices: What Works and What Doesn’t
Let’s be honest, navigating the world of DIY skincare tools isn’t easy. There are a lot of options out there, and knowing which ones work well and which ones do not can be tricky to figure out. When it comes…